Minutes TWiG meeting 17/9/15 at Bute Arms High Spen

Transition West Gateshead

Meeting Minutes

17th Sept 2015


Present:     Gwenola, Lesley, Nick

Apologies: Mick, Garry, Laura, Di, Gwenole, Steph.


  1. Minutes of Last meeting


  1. Matters arising

We are collecting numbers of people attending events as agreed.

N asked David but has not had a reply re benefits of Dropbox v. Wiggio. He will chase up.

Next Summer Food festival event date is booked.

Mick to bring or provide web link to guidance re recycling packaging for stall holders.

Lesley to email Dave Anderson and his office to thank him for help re printing and to invite them to next event.

Nick and Di sat in Bute Arms having a pint but know new people came to discuss Transition with us.


  1. Bank Account

We have a bank account with money in it. N banked an unsigned cheque from GVOC which must be returned for signing.

Lesley and Nick have online access to the bank account. Mick and Di still to set theirs up.

  1. LEAF Funding

Website: Gweno to be reminded to set up blog asap. Then we can all contribute content.

Leaflets and banner: Agreed that previous minutes ask Mick to liaise with Steve to talk to group and then to produce draft “house look” for all our leaflets etc particularly our basic “Information leaflet”. This may not be completed by 31st October. We want to meet Steve about this. Gwen to start by looking at current leaflet – Lesley to send it out to all again. We can then all contribute to the content requirements. The group wants to agree final copy for our Information Leaflet. Still OK for Mick and Steve to work with printers that satisfy obvious Transition requirements.



  1. Solar Array update

Minutes of last meeting say Mick was to prepare briefing for local councillors. Still to complete we think. Lesley and Di have sent info to Mick as agreed.


  1. Next Event Plans

31st October at St Josephs Blaydon

We will charge entry of 10p so that we avoid licensing problems re selling eggs and plants. We will use cloakroom tickets so that it doubles as number counting mechanism.


Flier for event on 31st October must be done asap. Gwenola to do this.

Soup to be made. Agreement needed in due course.

Appeal for pumpkins probably needed

Di to redo the banner.

Event 12 noon to 3pm

Di to check if they have enough tables.

Laura to do an event page based on this info

Laura to plug us into Blaydon newspaper that she knows about.

Gwenola to see if we can get into Tyne Valley Express for free.



STALLS we hope to have:

  • Recyke yer Bike. N has emailed and spoken on phone. No answer yet. N to pursue

  • Men’s Sheds – Lesley to pursue

  • Computer repair – we have no suggestions. The last one at Rowlands Gill event was from Durham. Any suggestions?

  • High Spen wood worker to be asked – Lesley to do.

  • Gwen to make one batch of gluten free cakes. Di to source other cakes.

  • Derwent valley car Club. Mick to pursue

  • Gateshead MBC/Groundworks will provide personnel to engage about recycling

  • Food bank – Mick to pursue

  • Winlaton textile upcycler – Di to pursue

  • Gwen to have a stall also for children’s activities based on upcycling.

  • BioChar – Laura has lined up a local Bio Char person.

  • Veg and fruit swap table and  plant sales and egg sales – Laura to staff this and has agreed donation of 50p per box sold to TWiG

  • Jonathan to be invited to share in swapping like others and join our swap table.

  • Compost corner – Garry to do

  • Hop Garden – may want a table to recycle pots. NB to ask.

  • Promote Freegle etc if WIFI available. Di to ask re WIFI

  • Quiz  – NB and Gwenole to do. Perhaps add questions about the stalls?

  • TWIG stall

  • Need entry stall/tea food stall/

  • Invite Green Party to do something 4Rs linked – Lesley to ask.


  1. AOB


Next meeting:


8th October 7.30 pm

Venue to be confirmed

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