Local Food Map Application Form

If you are a food producer in the West Gateshead area you may be interested to be pinned on our local food map for free.

This means free publicity for you.
This is what it would look like:

Please fill-in the form below and don’t to forget to click on the send button once you’re done!

    Our Local Food Map is a great and free way to advertise your activity if you are a local food producer in the West Gateshead area.

    Key criteria:
    Before starting your application please read through our 4 absolute criteria to be eligible to our local food map and tick boxes that apply to your activity.

    1)   Serving local people (Essential criterion: Are the majority of your products or services consumed/experienced in the region?)

    2) Food that is grown, foraged, produced or processed locally.
    We would want to see efforts made to use local products wherever possible...

    3) Supporting the local economy
    Is the business locally owned? For example, does the owner live within the region?
    Local producers should be small businesses, not part of a national or multinational. Fewer than 250 employees(as definition for SME).
    Please also let us know if you are a Franchise?

    4) Being based in or within 5 km of the boundaries of West Gateshead.

    Information for us
    Could you also tick any boxes in the following list that are relevant for your Activity?:
    Organic orCertified Organic (provide your number below)

    Free RangeNot for ProfitUses Forms of Renewable EnergyLocal Sourcing of Inputs (e.g. Animal Feed)Supports Wildlife (supply detail below)

    Rare BreedsHeritage VarietiesEnergy Saving (supply detail below)

    Very Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions (supply detail below)

    Community Supported (supply detail below)

    Packaging (avoid plastic/polystyrene)Recycle as much as possible.Uses waste productsFair trade (if from abroad)MSC certified fish.Gluten free

    What will be on the map:
    In this section we are asking you to provide essential information that will be displayed on the Local Food Map for your Activity.

    Name of your Activity (required):
    This is the name you want to advertise on the Local Food Map. Typically it is the name of your business or your shop or your charity,association, etc...

    Short description of activity (required)
    Please describe briefly with your own words.
    This text will be displayed on the map to describe your activity.

    Opening time(if applicable)
    Please indicate your regular opening time and bank holidays activities if it is relevant for your activity.

    Links to website, facebook page etc... using hyperlink
    Please share any links you would like to see on the map for your activity.

    Facebook page:


    Email address to be published (optional):
    This is the email address that you would like to see on the local food map if you want people to be able to contact you via email.

    Phone number to be published (optional):

    Address or Geographical coordinates (required):
    This is your offical address or postcode or geographical coordinates. It will be used to locate your activity with a pin on our map.

    To keep in touch

    The following section will be not published on the map.
    We need these details to be able to contact you to let you know if your application has been accepted or to ask you further questions regarding your application.
    We will only keep these details for that purpose, we will not use them for anything else and we will never share them with anybody else.

    Your Name (required)
    This is your name, for keeping contact

    Your personal Email for contact (required)

    your phone number

    I prefer to be contacted by phone

    Terms and conditions
    Transition West Gateshead Local Food Map is a free online tool for local food producers in the area of West Gateshead. It allows you to advertise your food activity for free.
    By ticking the box "I accept the terms and conditions." you do accept that:
    WE (Transition West Gateshead or TWIG and transitionwestgateshead.org) cannot be held responsible for any conflict,disagreement and/or misunderstanding that YOU (local food producer) could have between YOU and a person, a group of person or an organisation.
    WE cannot be held responsible for any loss (financial, material, of goods or of any other sort) that YOU could suffer from.
    YOU are responsible for the content and text describing your activity, contact details and all other information that YOU are sending us.
    WE cannot be held responsible for any outdated content and text regarding your activity, contact details and all other information that YOU are providing us with.
    WE cannot be held responsible for any typos and wrong content and text regarding your activity, contact details and all other information that YOU are providing us with. However WE commit to correct any errors or wrong information regarding your activity, contact details and all other information if YOU let us know.
    YOU can update your content and text describing your activity, contact details and all other information by sending new data to foodmap@transitionwestgateshead,org and YOU understand that WE may not be able to update your data as fast as YOU want.
    YOU understand that WE are a group of volunteers not gaining any financial or material income from publicising your activities.

    I accept the terms and conditions.

    We will contact you shortly after we have received your application form.


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