Welcome! Transition seeks to raise awareness about climate change and encourage local action to reduce fossil fuel use. Ordinary people come… Continue reading “Welcome!”…
Greeting from Di Just signing into the website. Look forward to communicating with all TWiG supporters soon. Continue reading “Greeting from Di”…
Happy Greetings from Twig! The festive season is coming… Greeting from all of us! Continue reading “Happy Greetings from Twig!”…
Starting on TWiG’s blog I’m posting my first post on the Transition West Gateshead’s blog now. Look forward to hearing from lots of people in… Continue reading “Starting on TWiG’s blog”…
Twig (Transition West Gateshead) new blog! This is great news! Now on top of our facebook page, we have this blog. Our members will post events,news… Continue reading “Twig (Transition West Gateshead) new blog!”…