Fix-it Cafe and 5Rs event
Sat 29 Feb 2020 from 12PM to 3:30 PM at · Chopwell Community Centre
TWiG and Fix-it Cafe are meeting again for another brilliant event, this time at the Chopwell Community Centre the Saturday 29th of February from 12pm to 3:30pm.
Save the planet and your money. Repair event – bring items that need repairing – FixIt café will help you learn how to do easy repairs of your own – they’ll have a go at anything! We will also have someone who can help with clothing repairs, the Hop garden advising on compost and reuse in the garden and the council recycling adviser to tell you how best to use your bins. More stalls to come, watch this space.
Also bring any unwanted useable clean item to put on our bring and take table – then have a look for anything that you might like. If you don’t have anything to swap you can give a donation of your choice!
Entrance also by donation. Children welcome.