Minutes TWiG meeting 8/10/15

Transition West Gateshead Meeting, 8th October 2015


Present: Di Cadman, Lesley Mountain (chair), Gwen, Garry Jenkins (minutes)

Apologies: Nick Ball, Mick Marston, Gweno, Laura.

Minutes of the last meeting

These were agreed as an accurate record

Matters Arising

  1. Storage of files online. Still to be decided which system to use. Di keeps hard copies of all minutes in the Minutes Book and all other important documents.

  2. Action to consolidate mailing list Lesley & Di to do

  3. General email/generic email system. This needs to be set up. Gibside Community farm have a Gmail address to do this. It was agreed that TWIG should have a generic email address. Gwen will ask Gweno his recommendations on how to do this.

  4. Guidance to stallholders re using recycled/environmental packaging and recycling the packaging after use. Awaiting Mick’s info

  5. Lesley has thanked Dave Andersons office for the help in printing for the last event

  6. Briefing for new members – in principle this is a good idea. Perhaps a version of WEA Green Thinking course could be organised when enough new members have signed up. Di to liaise with Ruth Hayward over this.

  7. Discussion took place over signing people up to the forthcoming event. Agreed to ask each one to tick box on sign-up sheet if they agreed their info could go to others of the group. We will collect name, address, email address and tel no/mobile.

Blaydon 4Rs event

    1. Poster & leaflet designed and ready for printing and distribution. It was agreed that next time we could be more generic and say e.g. “car sharing” rather than “Derwent Valley car club” so that the leaflet can remain with the same design for future events.

    2. Di will print the A4 posters/A5 flyers and distribute to members

    3. Banners. The existing 4Rs banner is OK for outside. One banner should be sufficient. We will put banner up a few days before event. Di is trying to contact St Joseph’s organiser with little success. Di to clean painted banner & use tape to make date & time of event.

    4. Publicity – on Facebook, on Tyneside Transition news. Gweno has tried to get into Tyne Valley Express but deadline has passed.

    5. Blaydon Courier – Lesley has contacted Steve Ronchetti (?)Article too late. Will give him leaflets for distribution

    6. Little posters in shops in Blaydon & Food Bank. Di will do these.

    7. Stall list

      1. Recyke yer Byke – not resolved

      2. WinlatonMen’s’ Sheds – coming

      3. Computer repair – not resolved. Laura has contact, Lesley will follow up

      4. High Spen woodworker – Lesley as emailed

      5. Cakes – Gwen OK for 1 batch. Dihas bakerand 1 helper so far. Di to find demand for cakes from last times’ team. Di will askLaurare fruit for cakes.

      6. DV Car Club not coming now. Lesley will get leaflets from them.

      7. Groundwork will do a children’s activity

      8. Gateshead Council will have a recycling info stall

      9. Food Bank – not resolved, Lesley to pursue unless Mick has already done this

      10. Textile recycling – not resolved. Winlaton shop might come, Blaydon shop can’t come

      11. Blaydon jewellery and crafting club – Di to pursue

      12. Gwen upcycling stall OK. Needs old orange t-shirts and wool

      13. Biochar – Tynedale man is coming – stall but no demo.

      14. Veg & fruit swap table OK – Laura to run

      15. Eggs, Laura will give 50p donation per box to TWIG

      16. Main swap table – Lesley to co-ordinate – labelling it as a “Give and Take” table. Both swap tables need to be next to each other to facilitate cross border swaps. Gwen will do a swap etiquette poster.

      17. Johnathon Wallace. Laurahas contacted him. Lesley to ask him to put 4Rs event on his blog

      18. Poster for the GMBC Blaydon Recycling site. Garry to ask Cllr Julie Simpson to put up a poster. Gwen will get one laminated.

      19. Compost corner – Sarah from the Hop Garden will make recycled paper pots and give compost advice.

      20. Freegle – Di to contact Theo Gibb, Gateshead moderator

      21. SHPOCK local swapping pp. Di to follow up

      22. Quiz – Nick and Gwen to co-ordinate. The plan is to have one line of fact relevant to each stall – like a treasure hunt.

      23. TWIG stall and Tombola stall.  These will also be on the same stall. Eco prizes please to Garry for the tombola, early in the week beforehand so they can be prepared on Friday.Lesley will put a request for prizes out to contacts. 20 plus prizes required, quite a lot of small prizes so lots of winners.

      24. Entry stall. This will be byticket(raffletype)towork out numbers who come through. Di to do.

      25. Green Party – may bring an activity stall

      26. Soup, bread and kitchen. Di to check kitchen equipment and crockery. Garry has 2 jam pans, Gwen has a big pan. Lesley to co-ordinate soup making. We will ask for a donation for each serving.

      27. Teas and coffee – Di to co-ordinate.

Finance and funding

      1. Finance: Nick is away at the moment

      2. GVOC money has now been paid into our account.

      3. Mick and DI need to get online access to the account


      1. Website and blog.All committee members will be able to post. We should be able to go to Gweno’s house to train up on this. Gweno will email all committee to get this going.

      2. Leaflet. Mick to be asked for Steve Pardue to organise a meeting outside general TWIG meeting, for some members to discuss taking the leaflet forward.

Solar Array

      1. We need to expand on the evidence for the funders e.g. meeting minutes, circulation lists, number of people on mailing list. Di will send all the relevant information to Ross Weddle as soon as she can.

      2. Community Involvement. Ross emailed with possible timetable if the funding goes ahead. It could be as early as January 2016

      3. There is some concern that when this happens, TWIG needs to make sure it is not “spread too thinly” with this and its existing event activities. Review commitments at the next general meeting


Further meetings

      1. December’s general meeting will be followed by a Christmas celebration.  Timing – meeting 6.30 to 7.30, social 7.30 onwards. Di to check availability of the Greenside Community Centre Supper room in the week 7 – 11th December.

Next meeting

This will be held at St Joseph’s Catholic Community Centre, Blaydon on Wednesday 21st October at 7.30pm.

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