Minutes of TWiG meeting 11/3/15 at Greenside Community Centre

Transition West Gateshead

Meeting notes 11th March 2015 Greenside Community Centre

Present: Nick Ball (chair) Di Cadman (notes) Lesley Mountain, Garry Jenkins, Mick Marston

Apologies: Rachel Kitchen

Notes of the meeting 11th February 2015: were accepted as an accurate record. The title of representative of quilting shop in Blackhall Mill who attended the last TWG event corrected to Fat Quarters. 

Matters arising:

Group decided to wait to discuss the car share scheme proposed by Gweno until he is present.

Di reported that after attendance at the Crawcrook and Greenside Environment Group (CGEG) she will be making a presentation to the group on Tuesday 26th May. She will be inviting Gwen and/or Gweno to join her first as they are Greenside village residents. If they are not available Di will ask for a volunteer from the wider group. The same presentation will be offered to the Greenside WI on 6th July and later in the year for RG WI at a date to be agreed. Di will be asking for a volunteer to share in these events.

Agenda Items

1Solar Array:

It was confirmed that the group will actively consult with local interest groups to ensure they are aware and do not object in principle. The proposal will be circulated on the TWG Face Book page in due course. Also Di has emailed the secretary and chair of the CGEG to alert them to this.

There was a discussion of the possible models of commitment and the implications of these. i.e. offering support alone involves less commitment but will potentially leave the group out of the crucial decision making.

The alternative of major commitment re funding would be far more work but also offer control over the project. In relation to these points the suggestion was made that Ross be asked for something in writing re the rules of engagement.

We also need to consider the stage at which a public meeting should be called and the technical feasibility study be proposed and the management of funding if it goes ahead.

Nick to write to Ross asking for clarification of the matters above.

It was agreed that his response would be circulated and discussed to enable decisions to be made.

Garry showed slide show of a similar project and Agricultural Good practice Guidance for Solar farms.

Mick will send Ross`s response and an explanation of the project to all the West Gateshead Councillors. 

2 Bank:

Nick showed bank account Coop banking requirement to the group. The committed members completed and signed the remaining sections.

3 Other organisations, groups and networking:

Di now involved in CGEG litter pick and anti dog fouling campaigns.

Di asked to have her status on the FB page changed to admin in order to place reports on the page.  She will contact Sarah and Rachel T.

Lesley will invite people by email to use us to distribute relevant information.

Discussion of Community Foundation who had approached TWG to encourage us to apply for funding. Lesley to follow this up now we are close to engaging with more ambitious project or events and will soon have a bank account.

Mick proposed that this was a good time to create a website which was agreed. Gwen and Gweno seem interested and capable in this area and Di agreed to speak with them to seeing they feel about to help with this.

3 Next event:

Mick said that Steph and Ike are happy to have a summer garden party at the farm. The focus should be on food. We need to have a meeting at their place including Laura (The Paddock) who also wants to be involved. Others who should be asked to be involved:  Gibside Community Farm, Bee keepers, High Spen Pigs.

Tuesday best evening for meeting. Lesley to progress meeting arrangements to try to involve as many people as possible.

Events proposed are summer garden party and  Autumn event combination of feast for the future and Reduce reuse recycle.

All to continue to look out for promising venues. Suggestion that the autumn event be held somewhere in Blaydon, Ryton Crawcrook area. Di to look into the Barmoor Hub and Ryton Rugby club hoping to make links with the farmers` market.

4 Any other business: 

During discussion it was identified that the notes of the meeting of 11th February had not been distributed to the larger email list outside the immediate committee. This was due to lack of clarity as who was to do this. Di suggested as named secretary she would ensure that the corrected meeting notes are emailed to the wider mail list so that this confusion would not happen in future.  She would apologise and send out the notes.


5 Next meeting:

Lesley will be in touch with Steph and Ike and use Doodle Poll to identify best day and time, probably April, to meet at Blaydon Burn Farm.


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